Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Just the girl next door.

First of all, I wanted to thank Liz, Sam, Lost In Space, skinnybusiness, Sarah and Lucidity for such amazing comments. :] I know I usually thank you guys last, so I decided to thank you guys first this time, because those comments really mean so much to me.

Now, on to business.

I've come to the conclusion that everything about me opposes the person I want to become.
I want to be glamorous and mysterious and alluring.

But all my features scream "Girl Next Door".
Everything to my easily sunburned skin, to my freckles, from my strawberry blonde hair to my not-"hot" figure...
Even if I were skinny, I'd still just be a Plain Jane.
Okay, that phrase (Plain Jane) has always bothered me, because all the Janes I know are pretty and amazing and charismatic.

I want to be less sunny and more sultry.
Less Drew Barrymore, more Vivien Leigh.
Les chunky, more svelte.

That's a weird word. Svelte.

Anyway, it's time for me to hit the hay. I want to try to get at least six hours of sleep tonight...

Love you.


  1. ohmygosh We're even more alike than I thought! Pale skin that burns when in the sun for more than 10 minutes (but the burn doesn't fade to tan, it just goes back to pale), freckles, red hair... girl! :)

    I'm also very "girl next door"... cute but not hot, not ugly but certainly not sexy...

    When you're thin, you'll be happy. When you're happy, you can be/do anything you want. At least that's what I keep telling myself.


  2. Gao. Thank you for your comment! Living in NY inspires me sartorially on a daily basis. I just think I look scrunched up... like I was meant to be 5'9", then someone put my in a vice and dialed me down to 5'4", nawmean?

    I haven't seen any pictures to verify if you /look/ like a "girl next door", but your writing tells me your personality and intelligence aren't that of a Plain Jane.

  3. :) thanks Charlie. Except, I feel basically the same way about my wardrobe! The hat, scarf, sweater, and ankle boots are all over four years old! I suppose all my clothes are quite serviceable, but the NYers are all on the cutting edge and I'm... not.

    Had I the dough, though...

  4. verything to my easily sunburned skin, to my freckles, from my strawberry blonde hair to my not-"hot" figure...
    Even if I were skinny, I'd still just be a Plain Jane

    I relate so much - it's like you posted a decription of me :/

    Hugs to you.
