Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Silver lining.

I told you all about that one act play I wrote? About the girl with inner voices, eating disorder, etc.?
And how it got entered in a contest?

Well, it made it to the semi-final round.

So, in a few weeks, I'm going to have it read (out loud, by student actors) in front of a panel of judges, and they'll critique it, and tell me what I should edit. Then I'll edit it, and submit a final draft.
I have a potential to be one of seven (or is it nine?) winners, who get to have their play performed by student actors in a ceremony for the winners.

I couldn't be happier.

Well, yeah, I could. But right now, this is lifting me up, and other things aren't bringing me down so much.

Today, I went to see a world-famous speaker. As a woman was introducing him, my dad leaned over and said, "She could stand to skip a few meals."

Excuse me?!?

I meant to respond to this comment awhile ago:
Luckily, I'm a high school senior, so next year I'll be moving out and living in a college dorm. So I'll be getting out and away from my dad's negative influence. So all I need to do is survive three more months (in June I move out and live at camp practically all summer), and I'll be a lot better. :]

Thank you all for your beautiful comments. I love you so much.


  1. YAY for writing recognition =]
    Keep up the good work, love!

  2. OH wow that is absolutely amazing, I'm sure you'll get far.

    Good luck :)

  3. Conratulations!!
    I'm so happy for you :)

    Xx. Lillie
